Put an end to third-party apps! Notepad in Windows 11 Now Tracks Characters

Notepad in Windows 11 now includes a character counter. Learn how to use it, as well as other new features such as Edit with Notepad.
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Put an end to third-party apps! Notepad in Windows 11 Now Tracks Characters

Character count for selected text in Notepad on Windows 11.
Character count for selected text in Notepad on Windows 11. Image: Microsoft

Microsoft has continuously improving its Notepad on Windows 11, the latest one is the default characters counter. Back to this year, Notepad brings an update that shows no auto-save prompt for unsaved work when you going to close it. As for now, users use different third-party apps to count characters  but are soon able to do it in Microsoft's Notepad.

Microsoft after a long time, rolled out a basic feature to Windows' Notepad. This update is now for only Canary and Dev Channels but hopes to be introduced in early 2024. This new counter appears at the bottom of the status bar of Notepad. "When text is selected, the status bar shows the character count for both the selected text and the entire document.", the blog reads. "If no text is selected, the character count for the entire document is displayed, ensuring you always have a clear view of your document’s length."

Edit with Notepad is also a new feature added by Microsoft in Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 26010. This will let users easily open and edit documents on Notepad. You just need to right-click on the desired file you want to edit and from the context menu choose "Edit in Notepad".

The Edit in Notepad on Windows 11
The Edit in Notepad on Windows 11. Image: Microsoft

The Company also introduced a Windows Server Preview Build 26010 for receiving Server flights. This is for only Desktop users. To set up flighting on the Server, just navigate to Settings > Windows Update > Windows Insider Program to opt into your device.
"Flighting will only be available for the Canary Channel and flights for Server will begin in early 2024 so you won’t receive any new builds until then," Microsoft said

Alongside this update, the giant operating system company also introduced the new "undock" Copilot in Windows 11, which lets you easily access Microsoft's AI-powered Copilot while using different apps and performing activities. For use, you just need to click on the new undock button that appears at the top right of the header with the Close button.

Undock AI assistant Copilot in Windows 11
Undock AI assistant Copilot in Windows 11. Image: Microsoft

The company also provides updated widgets settings in the latest Windows 11 preview, which lets you easily manage your widgets and hide the news feed on your widgets board. If you do not like the news feed in your taskbar and want to remove it, this feature is definitely for you. You can easily choose your Microsoft Start Account to get a more personalized experience. All these features are now for only testing in Canary and Dev Channel, but I am hopeful that will be rolled out globally for Windows 11 in early 2024. 

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