Samsung Galaxy S24 series: launch date is now official

Get the scoop on Samsung's new AI-powered Galaxy S24 series launching 1/17/24! Pre-order bonus!
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Samsung Galaxy S24 series: launch date is now official

Samsung Galaxy S24 series: launch date is now official

The first exciting surprise of the new year is the Samsung Galaxy Unpacked event, officially set to be held on Wednesday, January 2024. The event animation poster "Galaxy AI" is coming, suggests that the upcoming flagship Galaxy S24 series lineup will be the first Samsung AI smartphone.

As reported, the location of this Unpacked event is unusual from its previous events, as Samsung announced that the SAP Center in San Jose, USA 一 the heart of Silicon, will be the location where the event held at 10 AM local time. The move is believed to be purely for closer cooperation with Google and tougher competition with its beast tech rival.

Samsung Unpacked Event: Galaxy AI is coming

Samsung's Unpacked event's main highlight to be a Galaxy S24, S24+, and S24 Ultra, as the giant tech company says while announcing the event, "The new Galaxy S series will set a higher standard for the most intelligent mobile experience yet." Rumors also piling up their renders about the upcoming smartphone. New reports point out that the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra 10x zoom camera is better than the S23 Ultra's 10x zoom. The quality of the zoomed picture may be better due to artificial intelligence, which Samsung named as "Zoom for Galaxy".

As always, we're still a few weeks away from Galaxy Unpacked 2024, but the giant is taking bookings for pre-orders for the upcoming device. For Samsung fans, if you reserve from Samsung's official website, you'll get a $50 credit even if you don't buy a device, but the offer is available until January 16. You will be able to view the event in public. As it will be streamed live on the 17th through Samsung's official YouTube channel and website.

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