Microsoft is rolling out Start menu ads for all Windows 11 users

Unwanted ads? Windows 11 Start Menu now shows "app recommendations." Learn how to disable them and regain control of your PC.
Estimated read time: 2 min
Microsoft is rolling out Start menu ads for all Windows 11 users
A laptop sits on a desk, symbolizing the Windows 11 users feel with Microsoft
Image: Rui Silvestre / Unsplash

Earlier this Tuesday, Microsoft surprisingly started rolling out the Start Menu ads feature to Windows 11 users. The move raised eyebrows among many users, as barely two weeks ago the company introduced the feature in the Windows Preview (KB5037000) beta channel. But the good news for critics of the feature is that users will also have an option to disable it.

Microsoft calls this ad feature a "Recommended section" on the Start menu. Promotional ads for apps from Microsoft Stores, features, and services will be available under the Recommended section. This section works on algorithms where a small number of "curated developers" share these recommendations. According to the tech giant, this new update aims to enhance the Windows 11 user experience by providing relevant app suggestions.

A screenshot of the Windows 11 Start Menu showing a section for "Recommended" apps, including 1Password and Snipping Tool
Image: Microsoft

Additionally, the move by the tech company is likely to be aimed at promoting the apps to more users, so in return get the benefits of revenue from app developers and advertisers.
"In the coming weeks, your most frequently used apps might appear in the Recommended section of the Start menu. This applies to apps that you have not already pinned to the Start menu or the taskbar", Microsoft said.

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How to Turn Off Start Menu Ads on Windows 11

Microsoft's move to display ads on the Start menu has not been welcomed by everyone. And the surprising fact is that this feature came in a stable version in a very short period of time. We did not know if the feedback was fully understood. But in case of dislike, you can disable it by following the steps:

  • Go to Settings and go to Personalization.
  • Now select the Start option.
  • Turn off the toggle to show recommendations for tips, app promotions, and more.
  • Now you can see the start menu without any ads.
  • If you want to add it to the Start menu again, just turn on the All Recommendations toggle.

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