Apple's iOS 18 Generative AI features reportedly will be processing entirely on-device LLMs

Apple's iOS 18 to feature on-device generative AI, prioritizing privacy and security, with faster response times and freedom from third-party cloud.
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Apple's iOS 18 Generative AI features reportedly will be processing entirely on-device LLMs 
iOS 18 logo with text overlay indicating on-device generative AI features powered by large language models (LLMs).

In this era of AI, when every tech company is using cloud processing systems for artificial intelligence, Apple is ready to ditch the trend and make a unique entry with its own style.

In the first quarter of 2024, Apple's South Korean rival Samsung revealed its AI strategy with the launch of Galaxy AI, a combination of both on-device and cloud computing systems in the Galaxy S24 series. But, Apple is reportedly making its AI push 一 iOS 18 a fully on-device LLM to make queries private and secure. The move seems to be purely for freedom from third-party cloud software.

A report from Bloomberg suggests that the biggest operating system update coming from Apple will be tuned to the silicon chips that power the iPhone. This on-device approach will be faster, as it will eliminate the traffic problem, compared to the cloud processing approach (followed by many popular AIs such as ChatGPT, Gemini, and Microsoft Copilot) which slows down the response.

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A downside of this on-device LLM approach is that it is not very powerful and cannot cope with cloud processing knowledge that runs on 10 billion parameters and the data behind them is constantly being updated. But this is a new approach followed by Apple, which helps the user to feel free from privacy concerns.

As Gurman reported, Apple could follow a new marketing approach at WWDC by focusing on how the upcoming features will help the users in their lives, rather than how much LLMs are powerful and efficient.

We'll get to know more about Apple's AI strategy at the upcoming WWDC from June 10 to 14, and the main focus of the conference will be AI coming to iOS, and a new iPad, macOS, Vision Pro, and iPhone SE to be introduced.

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