Samsung Galaxy Ring: Sizing Guide to Find Your Ideal Fit

Samsung Galaxy Ring: Perfect Fit Guaranteed (July Pre-Order!) Free sizing kit + leaks reveal health tracking, payments & more. #GalaxyUnpacked
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Samsung Galaxy Ring: Sizing Guide to Find Your Ideal Fit

Person wearing a Samsung Galaxy Ring on their finger.
Image: Samsung

Calling all fitness enthusiasts! Remember that glimpse of the Samsung Galaxy Ring at the January Galaxy Unpacked event alongside the Galaxy S24 Ultra? Well, get ready to rock it on your finger! As we previously reported, Samsung is set to introduce the Galaxy Ring at their upcoming July 2024 Unpacked Event.

At MWC 2024, Samsung unveiled even more exciting details. The Galaxy Ring will come in sleek colors like platinum silver, ceramic black, and gold, boasting a comfortable, curved design. But with a new ring comes a new question: will it fit my finger? Fear not! Reports suggest a wide range of sizes, from 4 to 12. But here's the best part: Samsung understands the importance of a perfect fit.

Samsung Galaxy Ring delivery process with two options: sizing kit for unknown size or selecting a known size
Image:  Evan Blass

According to a leak screenshot by Evan Blass (from its official X handle), a trusted tipster, users will be presented with two options during checkout: 

  • Know Your Size?
     Awesome! Simply choose your size and get ready to receive your Galaxy Ring.
  • Size Mystery?
     No sweat! Samsung will send you a free sizing kit to find your perfect match. Once you determine your size, confidently confirm it and your Galaxy Ring will be on its way.

This two-step approach eliminates any sizing worries. No more wondering if the ring will fit or stressing about returns. With Samsung's solution, you'll be tracking your fitness goals in style with your perfectly sized Galaxy Ring come July!

Features of Samsung Galaxy Ringー We know so far

While the exact price and all features of the Galaxy Ring are expected to be revealed at the July event, here's a glimpse of what we know so far:

  • Health Tracking:

     Tracks ECG, blood pressure, and snore count. Tracks sleep as well as heart rate.

  • Contactless Payments:

    Rumors claim support for NFC and other contactless payments.

  • Holistic Health Insights:

  • My Vitality Score: Get an overall readiness assessment of your health throughout the day.
  • Booster Cards: Receive actionable guidance or feedback based on your health data collected by the Galaxy Ring.

Stay tuned for the official unveiling of the Samsung Galaxy Ring in July Unpacked event with Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 and the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 !

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