Apple Ditches In-House Chatbot: Chooses OpenAI Partnership for AI Push

Apple Ditches Chatbot Dev & Partners with OpenAI for iOS 18 AI! Will iPhone users get an AI assistant powered by OpenAI? Find out about Apple's new AI
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Apple Ditches In-House Chatbot: Chooses OpenAI Partnership for AI Push

A graphic showing the logos of Apple and iOS 18 side-by-side, with OpenAI

In a surprising turn of events, Apple seems to be ditching its own in-house chatbot development for its upcoming biggest update ever, iOS 18 update. This major shift in strategy prioritizes partnerships with established players in the field, most notably OpenAI, for integrating generative AI features. Instead of spending billions of dollars on building its own chatbot, Apple thinks it might be safer to bring in other third-party AI features like its South Korean rival一 Samsung brings Gemini features to its Galaxy AI.

OpenAI in the Driver's Seat一Partnership with Apple

Following up on previous reports by Mark Gurman, a recent article suggests Apple is moving away from developing its own chatbot and instead favoring a partnership with OpenAI. This collaboration would bring advanced AI functionalities to iOS 18, potentially revolutionizing user experience.

Shifting Gears from On-Device Processing

Earlier reports by Gurman indicated Apple's focus on-device AI generative processing for iOS 18. However, this latest update suggests a change of course, prioritizing external partnerships for AI integration. Apple's decision to partner with OpenAI raises questions. Recent controversies surrounding OpenAI and Scarlett Johansson might influence user perception. Additionally, Apple's long-standing commitment to on-device processing could be challenged by this cloud-based AI approach.

Beyond OpenAI: Exploring Options

While OpenAI appears to be the frontrunner, Apple hasn't completely closed the door on other collaborations. Talks with Google are reportedly underway, though Gurman doesn't anticipate a Google-based solution being showcased at the upcoming WWDC24 event in July.

WWDC24: Unveiling the AI Future

The definitive picture of Apple's AI strategy for iOS 18 will likely emerge during their WWDC24 event scheduled for July 10th to 14th. This highly anticipated event is expected to showcase the new features and functionalities powered by Apple's chosen AI partnerships.

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