Apple Finalizing Deal with OpenAI: ChatGPT Coming to iOS 18?

ChatGPT on iPhone? Apple Teams Up With OpenAI for iOS 18
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Apple Finalizing Deal with OpenAI: ChatGPT Coming to iOS 18?

Apple iOS 18 with Siri and ChatGPT integration

In a major move, Apple is reportedly finalizing its deal with OpenAI to bring AI-powered features to its upcoming iOS 18 operating system update. The well-known Mark Gorman recently reported that Alphabet Inc.'s partnership with Google are still on the table.

As we previously reported bloomberg's report, Apple has resumed talks with OpenAI, the latest report from Bloomberg suggests that we are very close to knowing the details of the agreement between the two companies. iOS 18一 Apple's biggest update to date, will feature a chatbot version of ChatGPT. Gorman previously reported that the silicon giant is also in talks with Baidu for Chinese users, as Google is not available in China. Negotiations with Google for its Gemini are still on the cards.

As per Gurman reported,
"Apple also has held talks with Alphabet Inc.’s Google about licensing that company’s Gemini chatbot. Those discussions haven’t led to an agreement, but are ongoing".

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Additionally, Apple is also reportedly making its own AI  LLM model(entirely On-device) which will enhance user privacy and speed as processing completely on Apple's servers. Today, Gurman through its official X handle also suggests that "Apple isn't building its chatbot", but it will rely on the third-party AI giants("OpenAI for sure, Google Maybe").

Apple is going to hold its WWDC24 event from June 10 to 14, which is focused on introducing its new AI strategy iOS 18. So when the event goes live, we'll be able to get an insight into the details of Apple and OpenAI.

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