WhatsApp Introduces New Screenshot Restriction Feature for iOS users

WhatsApp cracks down on profile picture leaks! New iOS update blocks screenshots for enhanced user privacy.
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WhatsApp Introduces New Screenshot Restriction Feature for iOS users

Close-up of phone screen showing WhatsApp
Image: AARN GIRI / Unsplash

An innovative move towards enhancing the security of users, WhatsApp has recently introduced a new screenshot restriction feature for iOS users. This will protect the user data from stealing users' profile pictures. This feature is currently available to beta users.

WABetaInfo, a well-known beta insider, recently reported that WhatsApp is working on banning screenshots for profile pictures on iOS. Currently, only Android users are already unable to take screenshots of profile pictures. This new update will purely act as an addition of an additional security layer while accessing one's sensitive data. A shared screenshot shows that WhatsApp will display a "Screen capture blocked" message while taking a screenshot.

iPhone blocking WhatsApp screenshot notification
Image: WABetaInfo

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Although this new feature will not allow the user to take a screenshot of the user's profile only on the app, the user can still access it through various means. But it is said to be a first step in the right direction and will reduce spying attacks on user's private data. Thanks to WhatsApp for bringing it to iPhones.Recently, WhatsApp also introduce passkey support for iOS users.

This new screenshot restriction feature is now available for beta users only for testing. You can use this feature by downloading the iOS beta version through the TestFlight app. As this testing has only recently started, it may take several weeks or months of testing before it is rolled out to a stable version. Stay tuned for further developments.

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