Discover the Exciting New Features in iOS and iPadOS Announced at WWDC24

Apple WWDC unveils smarter apps with Apple Intelligence & Siri upgrades.
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Discover the Exciting New Features in iOS and iPadOS Announced at WWDC24

A row of iPhones and iPads displaying the Apple logo, showcasing the new iOS and iPadOS features announced at WWDC24
Image: Apple

Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) 2024 has brought some fantastic updates for iOS and iPadOS, promising to make our digital lives smoother and more fun. Let’s dive into the highlights and see what’s new for developers and users alike.

Apple Intelligence: Making Your Apps Smarter and More Helpful

One of the biggest announcements is Apple Intelligence, which aims to make your apps smarter and more intuitive. Here’s what it offers:

  • App Intents and Controls: Now, your apps can do even more, thanks to new App Intents and controls. This means users can perform various actions directly from the system, making app interactions smoother.
  • Siri Gets Better: Siri can now handle more tasks within your apps, making it easier for users to discover and use your app’s features. From rewriting text and proofreading to creating fun images and new emojis, Siri’s capabilities have expanded significantly.
  • AI and Machine Learning on Apple Silicon: With Apple’s powerful silicon, you can now train and build your AI and machine learning models more efficiently, leading to better app performance.

Enhanced App Intents for a Seamless Experience

App Intents have received a big upgrade, adding hundreds of new actions for Siri, including writing and image generation. This means developers can create even more meaningful and engaging experiences within their apps.
  • New APIs: Developers now have access to new APIs for error handling, deferred properties, and associated enums, giving them more tools to create robust apps.

A More Streamlined User Interface

Apple has redesigned the tab bar to make navigation easier. Now, users can quickly access their favorite tabs, and when they want to dive deeper, the tab bar transforms into a sidebar. This makes the user experience more intuitive and enjoyable.

Special Features Just for iPad

iPadOS has some special updates that make using the iPad even more convenient:

Automatic Passkey Upgrade API: This new feature allows developers to create a passkey when users sign into their apps. It informs users that the passkey has been saved without interrupting their workflow, enhancing both security and ease of use.


These exciting new features in iOS and iPadOS will be available in beta this fall. Developers and early adopters can look forward to exploring and integrating these updates soon. Stay tuned for the official release dates and further announcements from Apple.

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