WhatsApp Introduces Exciting New Status Features: Likes and Private Mentions

WhatsApp's new Status features let you like and privately mention friends. Connect and engage more deeply with your loved ones!
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WhatsApp Introduces Exciting New Status Features: Likes and Private Mentions

You can now react and personally mention your loved ones on statuses

WhatsApp Status: New Features - A screenshot showing WhatsApp's new Status features: likes and private mentions.
Image: WhatsApp

Just days after introducing new filters and backgrounds for video calls, WhatsApp is once again making waves with another set of exciting updates. This time, the messaging app is focusing on its Status feature, adding likes and private mentions to help users connect and engage with their friends and family more effectively.

Status Likes: A Private Way to Show Appreciation

One of the most notable additions to WhatsApp Status is the ability to like a friend or family member's update. This simple gesture allows you to quickly and privately show your support or appreciation for their content. Unlike public likes on other platforms, WhatsApp Status likes are visible only to the person who posted the status, ensuring a more intimate and personal connection.

Private Mentions: Connect Directly and Share Easily

Another new feature, private mentions, makes it easier to tag specific people in your Status updates. When you mention someone privately, they will receive a notification and can reshare your content with their own followers. This feature is particularly useful for sharing personal moments or announcements with a select group of people.


These new features are currently being rolled out to WhatsApp users globally. While some users may have access to them immediately, it may take a few days or weeks for the updates to reach everyone.

Please note: The exact timeline for availability may vary depending on your location and device.

A way forward

These new features are just the beginning. WhatsApp has promised to continue rolling out updates and improvements to its Status feature and the Updates tab in the coming months. This commitment to enhancing user experience demonstrates Meta's dedication to keeping WhatsApp at the forefront of messaging technology.

Let us know what you think of these new features! Share your thoughts and suggestions in the comments below.

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